Neutral ads
Neutral ads propose moderate content. For instance, political or entertainment news which are given in a neutral way, product ads without any shocking visuals or provocative headlines.
Neutral ads
Categories of advertising:
Neutral ads
You should keep in mind that this ad type tends to perform worse and a neutral ad unit has a lower profitability than a provocative or a standard one.
Visual: template, ad unit size, number of teasers, background color, etc.;
Only news- or only product ads;
Ads mentioning certain people can be disabled or those implying negative attitudes towards certain people can be restricted individually after your manager’s approval;
It is important to keep in mind that the more requirements you impose, the less campaigns appear on your website, thus your ad revenues decrease. This is why we recommend you do not disable too many topics or teasers at the beginning.
When in case of working with your website certain policies, requirements, or restrictions are applied, please inform your personal manager. Then we’ll come up with a test page where you’ll see all the selected campaigns and make sure they match your request.
Ad unit options:
Certain topics of ads can be restricted.
For instance, you do not like an ad teaser promoting a remedy for nail fungus or news with a certain politician mentioned in the ad unit, then you notify your manager who’ll modify the ad unit content for your particular website.
A neutral ad unit sample:
International platform for native advertising
Advertiser support
Publisher support
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